Click to see fruit schedule


Plant health can be threatened by diseases, insects, weed competition, animals, changes in the environment or poor care. 


Quality Checks take place up on arrival, before loading or during storage and are carried out by inspectors. 






















The broad knowledge of our inspectors enables them to observe any damage or loss of quality. 

The inspector must ensure that adequate hygiene practices are followed during the processing of the product.

Fruit and vegetable taste best when eaten in season. The Eat Seasonably calendar helps you discover what’s in season throughout the year so that you can order fruits and vegetables that not only fresh, but is better value as well as better for your customers. Explore the calendar to reveal which produce is at it its very best throughout the year. You can also see the calendar tables above to check which months a fruit or vegetable are in season.  Please be aware that these times can vary earlier and/or later than the months listed here due to weather conditions, cultural practices, etc.



Collecting fruit effectively from trees is not easy and most Thai fruits need to harvest from the higher branches. TQM Interfood ensure the tangible quality attributes such as uniformity, freshness, quality, colour, ripeness, packaging, etc. are well controlled from the tree to you your hands.


Most crops can be harvested several times if only the part that is ready is harvested. The quality of vegetables does not improve after harvest so it is important to gather crops at proper maturity.  We promise you at this point vegetables are at their peak for flavor and nutrition.